Jiffy consist of 3 main screens. These screens will help you track and manage your tracked time and also give you a summary at the end of the week or month. To keep it simple, the screens takes care of different tasks.

The dashboard is the main screen, and you can navigate to the other screens via the buttons on the top left corner. To get back again, either press back or the “up” button in the top left corner.


The Dashboard.

This is the screen where you probably will spend the most of the time in. it takes care of the creation of new projects and customers, edit of the same projects and customers. It will also be the place where you start, stop and switch between the projects.

The History-view.

Here you can review your previous tracked times, edit them, create new ones and insert forgotten breaks. From here you can also get to the agenda view for a specific day.

The Summary-View

Will give you the number of worked hours per day,week or month, summarized per customer or project. It can also compare this to your expected work-hours (if you enabled that feature).